Results of the Work – 4/2/24

Hey Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

I hope you had a good day walking with the Lord. I had a pretty good day on campus talking to some students I knew. One in another ministry (He’s a black guy with a beard) on campus was drifting into heresy but I did what I could to explain why the modalism he had gotten into was wrong. He wanted to say God made a body and then entered into it, but this would be Man becoming God. I also explained that if Jesus was not fully God the sacrifice of His life was not worth an infinite amount and so would not pay for everyone’s sins. On perfect man could only pay in death for one other sinner. I explained Phil. 2:7 where Jesus seems to have emptied Himself of “God-ness” leaving a man who was yet fully God. He seemed to have encountered a cult he was getting his info from. I explained that John wrote in the 1st chapter that “The Word became flesh.” This Word was “The Word of God” who came to the prophets in the Old Testament. I also bumped into Sam from Last year, who had prayed the night after we spoke. (I found this out from him a couple months later after first speaking with him December 6th of 2022). He’s closer to the Lord now and took The Case for Christ Answer Booklet though last year in February he did not want a book at all. So it was good to see someone who prayed walking with the Lord. COD is a revolving door few students stay longer than a couple or 3 semesters and so all I can do is pray for them as I have been for Sam each night. Carlos trusted in Christ today, praying to receive Him as savior so that was great. Thanks for your prayers for him his story is below if you have a moment.

Carlos was sitting in the cafeteria and had some time and was willing to do a survey. He said he went to several different Catholic Churches sometimes with his family, or what his schedule allowed for it seemed. He had a royal blue pullover hoodie on and blue jeans. He had a mustache shaved down to look like a couple weeks of growth and a thinly manifesting jawline beard. His hair was receding a bit and short, the top swept to the side left to right. He had an oval kind face and was soft spoken. A really kind guy.  When I asked him one thing he’d like to do before he died he said, “Have a family”. (This as an answer is a tell for a guy that he will pray to receive Jesus or is a Christian already). I asked him what he would say to God if he died and was asked, “Why should I let you into Heaven?” “That’s a good question,” he replied. “The first thing that comes to mind is all the good that I’ve done on earth. I’ve always seen goodness in every action. I don’t know it sounds cheesy but I do go to Church every Sunday. I know it’s not enough but…” “Going to Church does not make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car,” I replied. “But it seems like it should be part of it,” I finished for him and he agreed. He thought he had a 50% chance of going to Heaven saying, “It’s not my call.” I agreed suggesting an argument would not seem to be very effective. He said he thought he could do all good things and then one bad thing might send him to hell. I pointed out that only God could know and do the good. This was because you have to be all knowing and all-powerful to do the good. You have to be all knowing to know what the good is and be all power so that the good action you did can be maintained as a good outcome into the future. It does no good to pour distilled water into a mud puddle.  He seemed very attentive as I began to go through the Gospel leaning in when I wrote a verse to see it or drew in the booklet. I asked him what the big thing was that Jesus had done to take away the sins of the world and he said, “Death.” “Right he died for you,” I replied. I went on to explain the cleansing blood of Jesus and that this was how God got paid. “The Bible says if we confess our sins He is faithful and Just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness,” I said. “So why it is just for God to forgive you because there was a payment for your sin.” He nodded in agreement. I explained the righteousness of God Christ earned for us which when God adopts us as his Children belongs to us as the blessing of His family. I said all that was his if he received Jesus by faith, believing Jesus was God had died for His sins and rose from the dead. Then by Grace he was saved by faith. So I asked if he would want to be forgiven for his sins trusting in what Jesus had done or thought something else. “Definitely trust in Jesus,” he replied. I said if he wanted to be forgiven there was a prayer he could pray and talked him through it asking if it expressed the desire of his hear. He agreed it did. So I asked if he would want to pray it silently and he said, “Sure.” He took the booklet and then looking at it said, “Just recite it?” “Yeah pray it in your heart,” I replied. He prayed then to receive Jesus. I went through the Christian life with him. He had a Bible and talked about living “Inside > Out” where God transforms us on the inside and we do good things by the Spirit’s Power. I wrote his name and the date and “forgiven” on the inside of Bible Promises for You saying he could read the verses for encouragement or use them as prayers. “Oh I have to get to class, he said noticing the time. So I quickly gave him a Bible study and The Case for Christ Answer Booklet. I told him I would pray a verse for him each day through Spring and one year after. “Thanks so much,” He replied. “Thank you,” I said and I headed out leaving him to gather up stuff to go.

So thanks for your prayers for the ministry and for evangelism today if you had a chance, God blessed.

In Him,


Results of the Work – 4/1/24

Hey Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

I hope ya had a blessed day waling in the light as He is in the light. I had a good day on campus. I got to encourage Josiha (never seen the “a” at the end before but hey) a Black guy who plays defensive end on the football team, he has assurance of salvation now. It seemed like he believed in Jesus to forgive him but was not sure that would be enough to get into Heaven. Then Samantha prayed to receive Jesus. Please pray these students grow in the faith. Samantha’s story is below if you have some time. Thanks for your prayers.

Samantha was sitting on a stuffed chair in the light of the glass doorway that opens out to the top of the waterfall on the south side of campus. The stonework for it I was once told cost a hundred grand and I imagine it would be 3 times that today. She is a Latina, fair skinned and had a slightly wide, short pretty face with a beauty-mark freckle on either side of her nose. She wore camouflage print sweats tight at the ankle and a grey hoodie. Her hair was pulled up behind her head and it had some tint to it. She kind of had an athletic build. She wanted to become a pilot. I asked her what she would say to God if she died and was asked, “Why should I let you into Heaven?” She thought a moment with an “Um.” Then she said, I tried my best to, um, be a good person.” She thought she had a 95% chance of going to Heaven. To which I replied, “So you’ve been pretty good?” and she smirked that that was true. I asked her what the big thing Jesus did to take away the sins of the world. She thought for a bit and I added, “How he purifies you or cleanses you?” “His body and His blood,” she finally said. I said, “Right, He dies for you.” She listened patiently to the gospel mostly with an open posture but at one point she folded her arms so I hoped it didn’t mean anything. I have always heard that folding your arms means you are expressing closure to what you are hearing. But I have caught myself folding my arms just to relax and was at the same time enjoying what was being said. So all that to say I don’t know how valid it is, I just continued and then prayed God would open her heart. She listened to everything that the blood of Christ cleansed her from all sin. This was how God was paid and so could justly forgive her sins. The righteousness of God earned by Christ was to her credit when God adopted her. I said this was all hers by faith and asked if she’d like to be forgiven for her sins trusting in Jesus, then he could live inside her or thought something else. She thought for a bit and then said with a smile, “Forgiveness is nice,” So I said if she wanted to be forgiven there was a prayer she could pray. I talked her through it and said, “It says here does this prayer express the desire of your heart and she nodded that it did. I asked if she’d like to pray it silently, “I wouldn’t hear you but God would hear and you’d know you would be forgiven, wanna do it?” “Sure,” she replied and she took the booklet and prayed to receive Christ. I walked her through the Christian life asking her if she had a Bible, “I’ve got a couple,” she replied. I explained living “Inside > Out” by the Spirit’s power. I gave her, Bible Promises for You, and wrote her name and the date and forgiven in the front. I gave her a Bible Study explaining it to her a bit making her smile and a copy of The Case for Christ Answer Booklet. I said the likelihood she would not go to Heaven was 100% trusting in the blood and righteousness of Jesus and that though I was old and had sinned more there was enough to save me too. I told her I would pray a Bible verse for her each day through Spring and next year. “Well, I’ll see ya in Heaven,” I said as she seemed ready to go. “See ya there,” she said. “Thanks for your time,” I replied. “Thank you.” She said and headed off.

So thanks for your prayers for the ministry and for evangelism today if you had a chance, God truly blessed.

In Him,


Results of the Work – 3/20/24

Hey Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

I hope your day was blessed with all good things God blesses with in Spring! Hope for relaxing outside and sunshine. I had a good day on campus going through the Gospel with several people. I came across Quin who last semester said he’d had a porn problem and I had prayed for just last night and Jack who seemed likely to pray but had to run to class.

Please pray these guys grow in their faith and for a Latina Nursing student sitting in her green scrubs with a coat on (She had classic features and bangs pretty wider face). She was not sure she believed so I gave her the Student Edition: The case for Christ and Bible Promises for You. She thought these books might help and she’d look at them next week.

Thanks for your help in prayer I had good conversations today.

In Him,


Results of the Work – 3/18/24

Hey Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

I hope your day was filled with good things from the Lord who gives us the power to walk uprightly. I had a good day on campus and Floyd prayed with me to receive Christ today. Kind of a strange name for a girl, (or for Pink Floyd the rock band). I had a good conversation with Ellie (a tall blonde girl with black glasses in the PE lounge) who had never been to Church and hadn’t previously known the Gospel. She had recently found her grandmothers Bible and was reading it. Floyd’s story is below if you have some time. Please pray she grows in her faith. Thanks for your prayers.

Floyd was sitting in the hallway on the way to the bookstore entrance and said she’d do a survey. She had a black ball cap on that said “Spirit”, long dark brown hair pouring out the back and a black hoodie that had a picture of a human hand making a peace sign outlined in white. She wore jeans and had aviator style wire rimmed glasses on, she was short and a bit plump, sweet cute face. She wanted to “Find somebody to settle down with” and talked about her dad. He’d said they should go back to Church but he’d been busy as a carpenter lately and she thought he felt like on Sunday he just needed to rest. I asked her what she would say to God if she died and He asked, “Why should I let you into Heaven?” “These are some really deep questions,” she said. “I really need to think.” She thought for a bit and said, “Because I did the best that I could in life.” I asked her what the likelihood of her getting into Heaven was and she said, “90%, I don’t want to be like all I’m definitely getting into Heaven.” She was trusting in how good she was to get into Heaven. I went through the Gospel with her telling her God wanted to take away her sin so that she’d be His type and he could transfuse His life into Her. Then live inside her with His Holy Spirit. I asked what it was that Jesus had done to take away her sins. She thought for a moment and said, “I don’t remember.” So I began to explain what Jesus had done in giving His life. His blood had cleansed her and paid God back for the imperfect things we did that we owed God something perfect in return for having damaged what belonged to Him. I explained the righteousness of God Jesus earned that was to her credit when God adopted her. I said that she needed to receive Christ and so if someone asked her why God should let her into Heaven she’d say because Jesus died for me. “I was going to say that, because everyone that goes to Church and believes in God goes to Heaven,” her statement had an implied “Right?” she did not say. So I told her that it depended on what people believed about God and what Jesus had done. Some people went to Church and were not trusting in Jesus that he had died for their sins. I explained you had to be transformed inside to go to Heaven. Almost like as if Heaven was all water and you could not breath there unless your lungs were transformed. You had to be transformed inside to go to Heaven but only God can do that. That only can happen if you believe in Jesus so He can take away your sins and live inside you with His Holy Spirit. I said trusting in what Jesus had done to forgive her meant she had faith and read, “For by grace you have been saved by faith.” I asked if she would want to be forgiven for her sins or thought something else. “I think I would want to be forgiven for my sins,” she said. “If you want to be forgiven there’s a prayer you can pray,” I said and I explained it to her saying she could pray it silently. “I could add this to my prayers I pray each night,” she said liking the prayer. So I said again she could pray it silently right now, I wouldn’t hear her but God would hear and she’d know she was forgiven and could get started with God living inside her. “Wanna do it?” “Yeah sure,” she replied and she took the booklet and prayed to receive Jesus. I said then that the likelihood she would go to Heaven was 100% now trusting in Jesus’ infinite righteousness and His blood of infinite worth to save her. I said that even though, being old, I had sinned way more than her if the ceiling fell on us from the construction down the hall and we both died we’d both be forgiven. She said her dad said, “God was a Gentleman, you have to invite Him in to you.” I told her that was good and I wrote it down. I made sure she had a Bible and I gave her Bible Promises for You writing her name and the date and “forgiven!” in the front. I gave her The Case for Easter and a Bible study explaining that a bit. “Thanks for all this,” she said holding the books, booklet and the Bible study. “You’re welcome I’ll pray for you each day from now until Spring and one year after asking God to bless you.” She thanked me and I said “Have a good one man.” ” You too, it was nice meeting you,” she said smiling. “Nice meeting you,” I said returning the smile and I got up and headed off.

So thanks for your prayer for the ministry and for evangelism today if you had a chance, God truly blessed.

In Him,


Results of the Work – 3/14/24

Hey Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

I hope you had a good week walking with God in His word. I had a good week on campus and 4 students each prayed with me to receive Christ. Earlier in the week Jack, V, & Jacob, then Anthony, prayed to receive Jesus on Thursday. Another guy named Jack who was sitting in the hall on the way to the bookstore genuinely thanked me after I read through the prayer with him saying he could pray it silently, took the booklet and trotted off. He’s said he wanted to be forgiven had to run to class, had a square jaw youthful slender and tall and a curly blonde head of hair. So I hope I will see him again. Stephanie, a small round-headed Latina in the cafeteria thought she would pray later. I asked her a day later when I saw her and she said she still planned to but had forgot. Anthony’s story is below if you have the time please pray these all grow in their faith in Christ. Thanks for your help.

Anthony was sitting I the hallway on the 2nd floor of the BIC waiting for his class to begin. He had on baggy green athletic shorts and a grey t-shirt. He was short and had a curly brown mop of hair a friendly young face, small nose. He said he wanted to be a cop. I asked him what he would say if he died and God asked him, “Why should I let you into Heaven?” He thought for a moment and said, “I don’t know.” He hadn’t been to Church since he was young. I asked what he thought they might say at Church got someone into Heaven. “Living a good life,” he replied, “Not cursing other people or hurting other people.” He thought he had a 50/50 chance of going to Heaven. He listened to the Gospel as people walked by. I was not sure if he was connecting or not so I prayed as I talked God would be at work. I sensed from the flow people were headed to class and he would be so as quickly as I could I touched all the points of the Gospel. He knew Jesus had died to take away the sins of the world. So I just continued on saying this is how it works explaining the cleansing blood of Christ, the perfect man who was God. He gave His life to pay God back for all the imperfect things we did that we owe God something perfect for. I explained the righteousness of God and salvation by faith using all the Bible verses. I asked if he wanted to be forgiven or thought something else. “I’d want to be forgiven,” he said. So I said there was a prayer he could pray if he wanted to be forgiven and he listened as I explained it and then I asked, “It says here, ‘Does this prayer express the desire of your heart?’ So would you say that it does?” “Yeah,” he said. I said he could pray it silently if he wanted to be forgiven, and asked if he wanted to and he once again said, “Yeah,” So I said “OK.” And he took the booklet and prayed to receive Jesus. I told him the likelihood he would now go to Heaven was 100%. I quickly explained the Christian life living “Inside > Out” by the Spirit’s Power. I found out he had a Bible and so I gave him Bible Promises for You writing his name and the date and “forgiven!” in the front. I also gave him The Case for Christ Answer Booklet. I told him I would pray for him each day until Spring and one year after and gave him a Bible study as he stood up to go. “Sorry to take so long,” I said. Though it hadn’t probably been 10 minutes. “Oh no problem,” he said and he headed off down the now empty hall with 3 minutes to get to class.

So thanks for your prayers for the ministry and for evangelism this week God worked in some hearts and I was grateful to have an opportunity to share with some. They are tearing up the center of campus to rebuild all the administrative offices that were but15 years old. It’s rumored to be a 2-year process.

In Him,


Results of the Work – 3/13/24

Hey Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I hope your day was blessed holding on to our hope without wavering knowing He who promised is faithful. I had a good day on campus today talking to some of the peeps and Jacob prayed to receive Jesus. Please pray he grows in his understanding of the Christian life. His story is below if you have time.

 Jacob was sitting in the 2nd floor corner of the SW most lounge of the BIC building. He had 4-inch braids he’d worked his afro into that were the width of a pencil. He had a full, somewhat round face, full features, good looking black kid. He was wearing lighter blue grey runner’s leggings and a blue long sleeve t-shirt with what looked a bit like a Spartan mask on the front. I asked him one thing he’d like to do before he died, “Have a family,” he replied. Stating that is pretty much “a tell” for you are a Christian or will become one in a few minutes. I asked him if he was hit by a bus and died and stood before God what he would say if asked, “Why should I let you into Heaven?” He repeated the question thinking a bit then saying “I don’t want to sound cocky.” I agreed that would be pride and pride is a sin. Finally he said, “I’ve tried to live a life follow the teaching of Jesus Christ.” I asked him the likelihood he would go to Heaven and he said, “75%,” then he changed and said, “No I’m gonna say 100%, I have faith.” He was familiar with the Gospel, (knowing Jesus had died) as I went through it. He stayed attentive as I explained the blood of Christ cleansing him and making it possible for God to live inside him and the righteousness of God Christ earned to his credit when God adopted him. “So you don’t go to Heaven because you’re good but because Jesus is good and you’re connected to Him. He said he would want to be forgiven for his sins. So I asked if when he asked for forgiveness for his sins if he was thinking he was good and God would be merciful and forgiving, or if he thought, “I know I’ll be forgiven because Jesus died for me.” I had to put it to him again slightly differently and then getting it he said, “It would not be true to say I didn’t think the good things I did after I repented would get me closer to going to Heaven.” I tried to find out again, asking if he’d been thinking about Jesus to be forgiven or I asked “Had you never done the math on it?” He didn’t think he had so I said, “Jesus wasn’t really part of the calculations.” “Right,” he replied. He had not answered the question from the beginning correctly but it’s possible some people hear the question more like “What have you done in life to demonstrate you were a Christian. He had eventually said he had faith. But it turns out that faith was more that he believed his good life would get him to Heaven. More that than he believed because Jesus had died for him He would take him to Heaven when he died. I said then that if he wanted to be forgiven there was a prayer he could pray and I talked him through it and asked, reading, “Does this prayer expressed the desire of your heart?” “Yeah,” he said looking at it. I said he could pray it silently and know he was forgiven trusting in what Jesus had done. He nodded and took the booklet and prayed to receive Jesus. I gave him Bible Promises for You writing his name and the date and “forgiven!” He did not like to read much so I gave him The Case for Christ Answer Booklet. It’s short with 2-page answers in it. I told him the likelihood now he would go to Heaven was 100% because he was trusting in the blood and righteousness of Christ. He had a Bible and I explained the Christian life living “Inside > Out”. I said that other religions do good things and the Deity is pleased and takes you to Heaven or the Universe is please and you don’t have to come back as a cow. But in Christianity you ask God to transform you and by the Spirit’s power you become a good man and do good things.  I told him if I saw him around I’d give him a wave. “I’ll pray a Bible verse for you each day from now until Spring and one year after asking God to bless you. “Thank you so much,” he replied sincerely and I shook his hand and said he was welcome and I headed out.

So thanks for your prayers for the ministry today if you had a chance. God truly blessed.

In Him,


Results of the Work – 3/12/24

Hey Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

I hope your say was blessed with the Life and peace of the Lord. I had a good day on campus. A girl who goes by V prayed with me to receive Jesus. I also had a good conversation with an older catholic woman, looked in her 50’s, Michelle. She was black had only a slight accent, saying she was not American. I think she understood walking by the Spirit and truly trusting in the work of Christ for salvation for the first time. Please pray God continues to move in these hearts. V’s story is below if you have some time.

V was sitting outside the cafeteria. She had rectangle framed artsy glasses. Her black T-shirt had something exploding on the front. She had some tattoos on her arms. Three I could see, just ink outlines. She had long brown hair in a braid with bangs and a bright smile. Pretty, she had a square chin (a bit Sandra Bullock like) and wore black leggings. I began to go through the questions with her and she said she’d like to travel and see one of the 7 wonders of the world. We tried to figure out what some of them might be. I asked her what she would say to God to get into Heaven. She said she thought there really wasn’t any reason for God to let her in but that she had not done anything exceptionally wrong and thought she was “probably just an average person”. She said she had started going to Church here and there with her boyfriend and that though she had been raised Catholic he was Baptist. His church seemed more right to her, the times she’d gone with him. She thought she had a 75% chance of going to heaven. I began to go through the Gospel with her saying it would make the things at her boyfriend’s church clear. I said God had to take away her sins so He could live inside her. She remembered Jesus had died for her sins, when I asked her what He had done to take away the sins of the world. I explained Jesus had said, “So you are to be perfect as your Heavenly Father is Perfect.” So Jesus had to live a perfect life for her. When He died the blood of Jesus cleansed her and His blood paid God back for all the imperfect things we’d done we owed God something perfect for. So the reason God forgave her was He got paid but He had to pay Himself. So it was just for God to forgive her as there was a payment there. I also explained the righteousness of God and His adoption plan for her to give her the blessings of His family. I told her she could trust for this by faith, believing in who Jesus was and what he had done to forgive her. He was God had died for her sins and rose from the dead. She decided she wanted to be forgiven for her sins when I showed her the two circles, “I would want that one,” she said of the circle with Christ on the throne of her life. I said if she wanted to be forgiven there was a prayer she could pray and talked her through it. “It says here ‘Does this prayer express the desire of your heart’ so do you think it does?” “Yeah,” she said. So I said she could pray it silently and she’d know she was forgiven and God would live inside her. “Wanna do that?” She nodded then saying “Yes,” as she did and took the booklet and prayed to receive Jesus. I explained to her then the likelihood she would go to Heaven was 100% now trusting in the righteousness of Jesus and His blood. I asked if she had a Bible and she said her boyfriend’s mom had recently bought her one so I said she could begin to read in the book of John. I said when she confessed her sins God knew a thousand years ago it was going to happen. He was not shocked or surprised but already had a plan to fix it. She said she felt a little PTSD when she thought of confession, it had scared her and seemed to traumatize her a bit as a kid going into the confessional and talking to a person she did not know well. I gave her a copy of Bible Promises for You and I wrote her name and the date and “forgiven!” in the front. She took it happily saying, “You’re giving this too me?” I said “Yep,” and asked her if she liked to read, she said she read a lot so I gave her The Case for Christianity Answer Book, which has a few dozen questions Strobel answers for the reader. I also gave her a Bible Study on the Deity of Christ she liked. I told her she could email me if she had questions but said it seemed like she had some good people in her life. She agreed she felt she did and she was kind of rebuilding her faith as she felt like it had gotten kind of wrecked in the Roman Catholic Church. I’d explained living “Inside > Out” trusting in the Holy Spirit and asking for His power to transform her. I said if she needed more faith that faith was a gift from God and she could just ask for more of it. It was the same way with loving God. The 10 Commandments tell us we are to love God but we can’t do that on our own He gives us more love in our hearts. I got ready to go zipping up my pack and she said, “Thanks for your time.” “Thanks for yours I’m sorry I took so much of it,” I replied because she had asked how long the survey would take and I’d taken longer. “I was just going to go through some of my homework but I still have time, this was important. Thank you,” she said. “You’re welcome,” I replied. “You have a great rest of your day,” she said as I got up to go. “I will now, thanks.” I replied smiling and headed out.

So thanks for your prayers for the ministry and for evangelism today if you had a chance God truly blessed.

In Him,


Results of the Work – 3/11/24

Hey Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

I hope your day was blessed today and you and you were able to stand in the full armor of God. Jack prayed to receive Jesus today as his savior so that was great and I got to encourage a couple of Christians in their faith as well so it was a blessed day. Jacks story in below if you have the time. Thanks for your prayers please pray he grows in his faith.

I go to the MAC arts lounge in the afternoon and found Jack sitting by the stairwell tucked in beside it and a small railing on a chair. He was playing something on his phone but was up for doing a survey. He went to a Mega church in our area. He had a fitted cap on turned backwards with an NFL logo on it and a black Notre Dame hoodie, wore nylon light grey sweats. He had a square jaw and was short. Good-looking kid with an everyman kind of face. I asked him what he would say to God if asked why should I let you into Heaven. He said, “I believe I have never treated someone with mal-intentions. What might have actually happened… I’m not sure. We’ll find out one day…” I asked what he thought the likelihood he would go to Heaven was and he said “I wanna say 90% but…” I began to explain the Gospel to him and he knew Jesus had died to take away the sins of the world. But he had not been trusting in that to be forgiven. He had clear facial expressions that he was tracking as I went through the Gospel with him explaining the righteousness of God. “So you don’t go to Heaven because you’re good but because Jesus is good and you’re connected to him.” I explained God wanted to adopt him into His family by faith. I asked if he would want to be forgiven trusting in what Jesus had done dying for his sins and then God could live inside him or if he thought something else. “A life entrusted to Christ,” he said reading the caption under the circle with Christ on the throne of his life. So I said there was a prayer he could pray if he wanted to be forgiven and talked him through it and said, “It says here, ‘Does this prayer express the desire of your heart?’ so would you say that it does?” “Yeah,” he said looking at it. “Well you could pray it silently right now; I wouldn’t hear you but God would hear and you’d know you were forgiven.” He nodded and I gave him the booklet and he prayed to receive Jesus. I told him then the likelihood that he would go to Heaven was 100% trusting in the blood and righteousness of Jesus. I gave him Bible Promises for You and wrote his name and the date and “forgiven!” in the front. I told him I would pray a Bible Verse for him each day through Spring and a year after. I also gave him The Case for Easter and he had not heard of Lee Strobel. I gave him a Bible study on the deity of Christ too. “Dude, I’ll see you in Heaven,” I said shaking his hand. “Thank you,” he replied and I headed off.

So thanks for your prayers for the ministry and for evangelism today if you had a chance, God truly blessed.

In Him,


Results of the Work – 3/7/24

Hey Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I hope you had a blessed week serving the Lord with gladness, asking and receiving joy from the Holy Spirit. I had a good week on campus and 6 students prayed with me to receive Christ. Earlier in the week Nicole, Matias, Quelle, Gabe and D’Riyah, believed on Christ in prayer. Jomaine prayed to receive Jesus on Thursday and his story is below if you have the time. Thanks for your help in prayer if you had a moment this week.

Jomaine was sitting at the last counter height table in the hallway as I headed around the bend and south from the Book Store. He’s African American, possibly part Latino. Not a very big guy, circular face wearing a ball cap backward, zip necked fleece.  He had a small nose and mustache and goatee. I said, “Hi,” to him as I passed and though he had a laptop open. I asked if he’d like to do a survey. He said he’d like to. As we talked he was another guy who said he’d like to take care of his family. Family and even more so wanting to have one is a sign someone is a Christian or will likely trust in Christ in my narrow experience. I stood at the table and asked him questions and wrote things down. I asked what he would say to God if he died and were asked, “Why should I let you into Heaven?” He thought a bit and said, “I don’t know what I would say to be honest.” He said he had not been to Church since he was a kid. He thought he had a 50/50 chance of going to Heaven. I asked him what Jesus had done to take away the sins of the world and he remembered Jesus had died. I explained how by the blood of Christ we are purified He paid for our sin debt because we owed God on the cross. So I continued to explain the Gospel. I told him Jesus had said “You are to be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect. “When you borrow someone’s stuff you have to give it back to them perfect how you got it.” He agreed. “Everything belongs to God so if I hurt you or hurt me or hurt the world in some way I wrecked God’s stuff so I owe Him something perfect to pay Him back but I’m not perfect and I can’t pay. But God loves me so God became a man.” Jesus’ death and blood pays God back for all the imperfect things we did that we owe God something perfect for. I explained the righteousness of God that was our when God adopts us. I said all God had done could be his by faith. “So would you like to be forgiven for your sins trusting in what Jesus has done so God can live inside you and give you strength or do ya think something else?” I asked. “Be forgiven,” he replied. So I said if he wanted to be forgiven there was a prayer he could pray and I talked him through it asking (reading) “Does this prayer express the desire of your heart. “Yeah,” he said after looking at it a second. So I said he could pray it silently and I wouldn’t hear him but God would hear and he’d know he was forgiven. “Wanna do it?” I asked and he nodded and I handed him the booklet and he prayed to receive Jesus. When he had prayed I told him that now the likelihood he would go to Heaven trusting in the righteousness of Jesus and His Blood was 100%. I explained the Christian life to him and gave him Bible Promises for You writing his name and the date and “forgiven!” on the inside. I gave him The Case for Easter as he said he liked to read. I explained the Christian life to him living “Inside > Out” by the Spirit’s power. He had a Bible but I gave him a Bible Study on the Deity of Christ. I read the prophecy that begins it in Isaiah 9:6 pointing out how the baby in the prophecy was also going to be God with one name and 3 persons. I said, “But that’s a big pill to swallow if someone walks up right now and says ‘Hi I’m God’ you’d be like, ‘Hold him down I’ll go get help,’ ‘cause he’s crazy. So why did people believe Jesus? Because he said things and did things that only God can do,” he nodded following me. “You know how Jesus walks on the water?” he nodded with a slight look of remembrance. “Cool miracle, but it doesn’t really help anybody or heal anybody. The guys in the boat are the disciples and they have seen Jesus do all this amazing stuff. So when they saw a guy walking on the water they should have said, ‘Oh that must be Jesus doing the next amazing thing, this is a strange ride.’ But instead they freak out. It’s kind of like a Dave Chappelle bit. The guys in the boat are like, ‘Oh it’s a ghost!’” I said in a high squeaky freaked out voice. “Then Jesus is like, ‘No it is I,” I said in a deep resonant voice. “They’re like, ‘No it’s a ghost!!’ Jesus is like, ‘No really it’s Me.’ Then Peter says, ‘If it’s really you let me walk out on the water,’ Jesus says, ‘Come.’ So Peter starts walking and then he sinks. Jesus is like, ‘Why did you doubt?’ and He plucks him out of the water puts him in the boat and everyone is all like, ‘We’re not worthy! We’re not worthy!’ Jesus is like, ‘Whatever man,’ He makes the boat go right to shore like a motor boat, cool ending. But why did Jesus do that? It made everyone look stupid. The answer as to why He did it is in Job 9:8.” I showed him the passage then on the other side of the page. I said, “Job is the oldest book in the Bible and in it Job describes God and says, “Who alone stretches out the Heavens (you know how the universe is expanding God does that) and marches on the waves of the Sea.” So God walks on the water in the OT so Jesus walks on the water in the NT to tell them He’s God. I gave him the Bible study. I said I would pray for him each day until Spring and one year after. He said, “Thank you.” I said “Sure,” and I would see him in Heaven. He did not have any more questions so I said if I saw him I would give him a wave. I shook his hand and he was grateful and I headed off to teach a Bible Study.

So Thanks for your prayers for the ministry and for evangelism last week God truly blessed.

In Him,


Results of the Work – 3/5/24

Hey Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I hope your day was filled with joy and peace in believing as you abound in hope.  I had a good day on campus and Gabe and D’Riyah each prayed with me to receive Jesus today. Please pray they grow in the faith. Their stories are below if you have the time today to read them. I’m grateful for your help.

Gabe was sitting at the end of the 1st floor hall in the BIC building right before it enters into the tunnel. He had a very short thick afro and classic black features, smaller nose, nice smile, kind of the common man look, perfect skin.  He was wearing a black sweatshirt and jeans. I asked him what he would say to God if he died and was asked “Why should I let you into Heaven?” He said, “I’m not sure, ‘cause I believe in God. I’ve grown up believing in God. I pray. I don’t go to church as often. My religion with God is not as close as I want it to be or it should be. I want to be closer to Him. I pray when it’s going bad, I’ll get on my knees in my room and pray.” He said he went to Church when he was younger and then the church was torn down and they moved. He said of his life with God, “My dad talks to me about it, he helps me to stay closer.” I asked him the likelihood he would go to heaven and he said, “I haven’t done anything crazy. We all sin but… I always thank Him for all the prayers He’s answered.” “I don’t thank God enough,” I replied. But it’s likely,” I suggested about his going to Heaven and he agreed. I hadn’t gone into the booklet with him yet and Isabella, a girl I bump into sometimes and pray for as she’s from a broken family popped in and cheerfully said hi, she knew Gabe. That sidetracked the discussion and I was feeling like I would run out of time so I said, “I have to go through this with him,” holding a booklet up. So I started to explain the Gospel and how God wanted to live inside him but first had to take away his sin.  I asked what Jesus had done to take away his sins, he knew Jesus had died to do so. I explained how we owed God a perfect life. I used the example of when you borrow something from someone you have to give it back perfect how you got it. I told him everything is God’s and if we hurt the world or someone else or even ourselves we have damaged God’s stuff. But if I roll over someone’s leg in the parking lot I can’t give God a new leg or even make someone forget how I hurt their feelings. So we owe God but we cannot pay. But God loves us so He becomes a perfect man, His life is worth an infinite amount, so His blood is worth an infinite amount. So when He pours out His blood it pays God back for all the imperfect things we have done that we owe God something perfect for. I looped Isabella into the conversation a bit but she was on a break from class and left. (She’s a Christian I went through the Gospel with last year.) I finished going through the Gospel then saying he was saved by faith. I asked if he would want to be forgiven trusting in what Jesus had done to pay for his sins so God could live inside him and give him strength to live. But a group of people had piled into the hallway and made some racket and he looked that way and missed what I said. I asked again a bit differently. He said, “Yeah.” I said if he wanted to be forgiven there was a prayer he could pray. I turned to it and explained the prayer. I asked, reading if it was the desire of his heart. He nodded and so I said he could pray it silently and know he was forgiven. “Wanna do that?” “Yeah,” he replied again and took the booklet and prayed to receive Jesus. I went to explain the Christian life. He didn’t have his own Bible so I gave him one and wrote his name and the date and “forgiven!” on the inside. I explained living “Inside > Out” by the Spirit’s power. I gave him Bible promises for You and a Bible study. He said he didn’t like to read books but he liked the book with the verses in it. I told him I would pray a Bible verse for him each day through next school year. I thanked him for his time. “Thanks man,” he said. “I really appreciate this, I really appreciate this,” he replied and we fist bumped and he headed off down the hall. I saw him a while later passed him in the hall and he high fived me and cheerfully said, “Long time no see.”

D’Riyah (d rye ah) was sitting in the first-floor hall on the way to the Book Store. He was fair skinned, African American, had a bit wider flat nose and a “Kurt Douglas” chin dimple in the center of a square jaw, good-looking guy. He had pencil thick 4-inch braids on his head which was covered with a grey hoodie. He also wore sky blue jeans. Friendly good-looking guy. Seemed intelligent and thoughtful. I asked him if he would do a survey and he asked what it was about so I said it basically was about how the Bible said you entered Heaven. He agreed to do the survey but wasn’t sure he was interested in Bible verses, so I kind of snuck them in on him at the end. I asked him what he would say to God if he died and He asked him, “Why should I let you into Heaven?” “That’s a very good question,” he replied. He thought for a bit. Then he began with his statement. “Hey you know I know my time on this earth has been good. I believe I should go to Heaven because of my good spirit.” He was 100% sure he would go to Heaven. I said, “The rest of the survey is about what you think about Christianity. Christianity is like a blood-transfusion, I have A+ blood so if they filled me up with B- blood in the hospital I would clot up and die. So like that God wants to live inside you fill you with his Spirit but first he has to make you His type. Everybody is a sinner and God can’t be in the same place as sin so He takes away your sin and I quoted verses to him and got into it explaining how the blood of Jesus cleansed him and paid for his sins. I went through the Gospel and the righteousness of God to his credit when God adopted him. “This is actually good timing,” he said saying he’d been wondering about a lot of this. I said he needed to be saved by faith. I asked if he’d want to be forgiven trusting in what Jesus had done so God could live inside him or thought something else. “I think I would want a life entrusted to Christ,” he said in part reading the line out of the booklet. I said then there was a prayer he could pray and I explained the prayer. He agreed with it when I asked. I said he could pray it silently and prayed to receive Jesus saying, “Amen” out loud as he finished.  I explained the Christian life to him, he said he had a couple Bibles. I explained living “Inside > Out” and living by the Spirit’s power. I gave him The Case for Easter because he said he liked to read and I wrote his name and the date and “forgiven!” in the front of Bible Promises for You. I said that now trusting in what Jesus had done the likelihood he would go to Heaven was in fact 100%. He thought he would try to get to the Bible Study on Thursday so I hope he’ll come. I said “God Bless you,” getting up to leave. “Thank you God bless you too,” he replied. “Sorry took so long,” I put in. “No I actually needed this, thank you,” he replied and I headed out from another one of God’s appointments.

So thanks for your prayers for the ministry and for evangelism today if you had a chance. God truly blessed.

In Him,
